
    CoMoAlg - Setoids (Basics)
    Copyright (C) 2024  Max Ole Elliger

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From Coq Require Export Setoid RelationClasses Morphisms.

Generalizable Variables X Y.


In this algebraic approach, we use Setoids instead of normal sets as a base for further algebraic structures. This has the advantage of adding an equality relation carreq on top of the carrier carr. One effect of this will be, that the typical isomorphism between the image of some homomorphism f and the factor group of the kernel will become trivial.

Class Setoid :=
    carr : Type;
    carreq : carr -> carr -> Prop;
    carreq_equiv :: Equivalence carreq

(* Some technical stuff about notations: *)
Declare Scope setoid_scope.
Infix "=s=" := carreq (at level 70) : setoid_scope.
Open Scope setoid_scope.


Morphisms between Setoids are just normal functions morph between the carriers, that must be compatible with the equatily relations carreq.

Class Setoid_Morph (X Y : Setoid) :=
    morph : @carr X -> @carr Y;
    morph_compat :: Proper (carreq ==> carreq) morph

Section predicates.

  Context `(f : @Setoid_Morph X Y).

  Definition injective : Type :=
    forall x y,
      morph x =s= morph y ->
      x =s= y.

  Definition surjective : Type :=
    forall y,
      {x : carr | morph x =s= y}.

A morphism is called bijective if it has some inverse morphism.

  Definition bijective : Type :=
    {g : Setoid_Morph Y X |
      (forall (y : @carr Y), morph (morph y) =s= y) /\
      (forall (x : @carr X), morph (morph x) =s= x)

  Lemma bijective_injective :
    bijective ->
    intros [g [H1 H2]] x y H3.
    rewrite <- H2.
    rewrite H3.
    rewrite H2.

  Lemma bijective_surjective :
    bijective ->
    intros [g [H1 H2]] y.
    exists (morph y).
    rewrite H1.

  Lemma injective_surjective_bijective :
    injective ->
    surjective ->
    unfold injective, surjective, bijective.
    intros H1 H2.
    unshelve eexists.
      unshelve econstructor.
        intros y.
        destruct (H2 y).
        exact x.
        intros y1 y2 H3.
        destruct (H2 y1) as [x1 H4], (H2 y2) as [x2 H5].
        apply H1.
        rewrite H4.
        rewrite H5.
        exact H3.
      intros y.
      destruct (H2 y) as [x H3].
      exact H3.
      intros x.
      destruct (H2 (morph x)) as [x' H3].
      apply H1.
      exact H3.

End predicates.