
    CoMoAlg - Group Theory (Basics)
    Copyright (C) 2024  Max Ole Elliger

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From CoMoAlg Require Export Setoids.
From Coq Require Export Bool Setoid Lia.

Generalizable Variables F G H.


A Group is defined on top of some base Setoid (via base_Setoid). It consists of some operation op, which is (again) compatible with the equality relations carreq of the carriers carr, see op_compat. This operation should be associatve, see op_assoc.
A group also has some (left) neutral element neutr s.t. op_neutr_l holds.
For every element g of the group, there exists some (left) inverse inv g s.t. op_inv_l holds.

Class Group :=
    base_Setoid :: Setoid;
    op : carr -> carr -> carr;
    op_compat :: Proper (carreq ==> carreq ==> carreq) op;
    op_assoc :
      forall x y z,
        (op x (op y z)) =s= (op (op x y) z);
    neutr : carr;
    op_neutr_l :
      forall x,
        (op neutr x) =s= x;
    inv : carr -> carr;
    op_inv_l :
      forall x,
        (op (inv x) x) =s= neutr

Definition Build_Group'
  : Group :=
    base_Setoid := Build_Setoid carr carreq carreq_equiv;
    op := op;
    op_compat := op_compat;
    op_assoc := op_assoc;
    neutr := neutr;
    op_neutr_l := op_neutr_l;
    inv := inv;
    op_inv_l := op_inv_l

(* Some stuff on notations: *)
Coercion base_Setoid : Group >-> Setoid.
Declare Scope group_scope.
Infix "*" := op : group_scope.
Open Scope group_scope.

Properties of Groups

Section Group_Properties.

  Context `{Group}.

There is no empty group.
  Lemma carr_inhabited : inhabited carr.
    exact neutr.

There is no diference between left and right inverses.
  Lemma op_inv_r :
    forall x,
      (x * (inv x)) =s= neutr.
    intros x.
    rewrite <- op_neutr_l.
    rewrite <- op_inv_l with (x := inv x) at 1.
    remember (inv x) as y.
    remember (inv y) as z.
    transitivity (z * (y * x * y)).
    repeat rewrite op_assoc.
    rewrite op_inv_l.
    rewrite op_neutr_l.
    rewrite op_inv_l.

There is no diference between a left and right neutral element.
  Lemma op_neutr_r :
    forall x,
    x * neutr =s= x.
    intros x.
    rewrite <- op_inv_l.
    rewrite op_assoc.
    rewrite op_inv_r.
    rewrite op_neutr_l.

The neutral element is unique.
  Lemma neutr_unique :
    forall e,
      (forall x, e * x =s= x) ->
      e =s= neutr.
    intros e H1.
    rewrite <- op_neutr_r with (x := e).
    rewrite H1.

For every element of a group, the inverse of it is unique.
  Lemma inv_unique :
    forall x i,
      (i * x) =s= neutr ->
      i =s= (inv x).
    intros x i H1.
    rewrite <- op_neutr_r with (x := i).
    rewrite <- op_inv_r with (x := x).
    rewrite op_assoc.
    rewrite H1.
    rewrite op_neutr_l.

  Lemma shorten_l :
    forall x y z,
      x * z =s= y * z ->
      x =s= y.
    intros * H1.
    rewrite <- op_neutr_r with (x := x).
    rewrite <- op_inv_r with (x := z).
    rewrite op_assoc.
    rewrite H1.
    rewrite <- op_assoc.
    rewrite op_inv_r.
    rewrite op_neutr_r.

  Lemma shorten_r :
    forall x y z,
      x * y =s= x * z ->
      y =s= z.
    intros * H1.
    rewrite <- op_neutr_l with (x := y).
    rewrite <- op_inv_l with (x := x).
    rewrite <- op_assoc.
    rewrite H1.
    rewrite op_assoc.
    rewrite op_inv_l.
    rewrite op_neutr_l.

The inverse of the neutral element is itself.
  Lemma inv_neutr :
    (inv neutr) =s= neutr.
    apply inv_unique.
    rewrite op_neutr_l.

  Lemma inv_op :
    forall x y,
      inv (x * y) =s= (inv y) * (inv x).
    intros x y.
    apply shorten_l with (z := x * y).
    rewrite op_inv_l.
    transitivity (op (inv y) y).
    rewrite op_inv_l; reflexivity.
    rewrite <- op_assoc.
    apply op_compat.
    rewrite op_assoc.
    rewrite op_inv_l.
    rewrite op_neutr_l.

  Lemma inv_inv :
    forall x,
      inv (inv x) =s= x.
    intros x.
    unshelve eapply shorten_l.
    apply inv; exact x.
    rewrite op_inv_l, op_inv_r.

  #[export] Instance inv_compat : Proper (carreq ==> carreq) inv.
    intros x y H1.
    apply shorten_l with (z := x).
    rewrite op_inv_l.
    rewrite H1.
    rewrite op_inv_l.

End Group_Properties.

Abelian Groups

An Abelian Group is a Group whose operation op is commutative. This is declared by op_comm.

Class Abelian_Group :=
    base_Group :: Group;
    op_comm :
      forall x y,
        x * y =s= y * x

Definition Build_Abelian_Group'
  : Abelian_Group :=
    base_Group :=
    op_comm := op_comm

(* Again some notation: *)
Coercion base_Group : Abelian_Group >-> Group.
Declare Scope abelian_scope.
Infix "+" := op : abelian_scope.
Notation "- x" := (inv x) : abelian_scope.

Examples of Abelian Groups


Module Integers.

  Open Scope nat_scope.

  Definition Z : Type := nat*nat.

  Inductive diffeq : relation Z :=
    | diffeq_1 :
        forall a b c d,
          a + d = b + c ->
          diffeq (a,b) (c,d).

  Definition addZ (x y : Z) : Z :=
    let (a,b) := x in
    let (c,d) := y in

  Definition Z0 : Z := (0,0).

  Lemma diffeq_0 :
    forall a b,
      diffeq (a,b) Z0 <->
      a = b.
    intros; split; intro H1.
      inversion H1; subst; lia.
      subst; constructor; lia.

  Definition invZ (x : Z) : Z :=
    let (a,b) := x in

  Instance Z_Group : Abelian_Group.
    unshelve refine {|
      base_Group := {|
        base_Setoid := {|
          carr := Z;
          carreq := diffeq
        op := addZ;
        neutr := Z0;
        inv := invZ
    all: simpl in *.
    all: unfold carr in *.
    all: try split.
    all: repeat inversion 1.
    all: repeat intro.
    all: repeat match goal with
    | [x : Z |- _] => destruct x
    all: repeat inversion 1.
    all: try constructor.
    all: try lia.

End Integers.

Group Morphisms

Group Morphisms are Setoid Morphism that respect the equality relations carreq which is declared via morph_op.

Class Group_Morph (domain codomain : Group) :=
    base_Setoid_Morph :: Setoid_Morph domain codomain;
    morph_op :
      forall x y,
        morph (x * y) =s= (morph x) * (morph y)

Definition Build_Morph'
  {G H}
  : Group_Morph G H :=
    base_Setoid_Morph := Build_Setoid_Morph G H morph morph_compat;
    morph_op := morph_op

Coercion base_Setoid_Morph : Group_Morph >-> Setoid_Morph.


Trivial Morphisms

Module Group_Morph_trivial.

  Instance trivial_Morph (G H : Group) : Group_Morph G H.
    unshelve eapply Build_Morph'.
      intro; exact neutr.
      intros x y H1.
      rewrite (op_neutr_l).

End Group_Morph_trivial.

Composition of morphisms

Definition comp `(g : @Group_Morph G H) `(f : @Group_Morph F G) : Group_Morph F H.
  unshelve eapply Build_Morph'.
    intro x.
    apply morph.
    apply morph.
    exact x.
    intros x y H1.
    rewrite H1.

    apply morph_compat.
    apply morph_op.

    apply morph_op.

Properties of Group Morphisms

Section Morph_Properties.

  Context `{Group_Morph}.

  Lemma morph_neutr :
    morph neutr =s= neutr.
    Check shorten_l.
    apply shorten_l with (z := morph (neutr)).
    transitivity (morph neutr).
    apply op_neutr_l.
    transitivity (morph (neutr * neutr)).
    rewrite op_neutr_l; reflexivity.
    apply morph_op.

  Lemma morph_inv :
    forall g,
      morph (inv g) =s= inv (morph g).
    intros g.
    apply shorten_l with (z := morph g).
    transitivity neutr.
    rewrite <- morph_op.
    rewrite op_inv_l.
    exact morph_neutr.
    apply op_inv_l.

End Morph_Properties.

The automorphisms of a group form a group.
Definition Auto_Group `{G : Group} : Group.
  unshelve refine {|
    base_Setoid := {|
      carr := {phi : Group_Morph G G & bijective phi};
      carreq :=
        fun phi psi =>
        let f := @morph _ _ (projT1 phi) in
        let g := @morph _ _ (projT1 psi) in
        forall x,
          f x =s= g x
    op :=
      fun phi psi =>
      let f := projT1 phi in
      let g := projT1 psi in
      existT _ (comp f g) _
      repeat intro;
      repeat intro;
      repeat intro;
    destruct phi as [phi H1], psi as [psi H3].
    subst f g.
    destruct H1 as [phi' [H1 H2]], H3 as [psi' [H3 H4]].
    unshelve eexists {|
      morph := fun x => @morph _ _ psi' (@morph _ _ phi' x)
      intros x y H5.
      rewrite H5.
        intros x.
        rewrite H3.
        rewrite H1.
        intros x.
        rewrite H2.
        rewrite H4.
    unshelve eexists {|
      base_Setoid_Morph := {|
        morph := fun x => x
      unshelve eexists {|
        morph := fun x => x
        split; reflexivity.
    intros [phi H1].
    destruct H1 as [phi' [H1 H2]].
    unshelve eexists {|
      base_Setoid_Morph := phi'
      intros x y.
      rewrite <- (H2 (morph x * morph y)).
      rewrite morph_op.
      rewrite H1.
      rewrite H1.
      exists phi.
      split; assumption.
    intros x1 y1 H1 x2 y2 H2 x.
    simpl in *.
    rewrite H1,H2.
    intros phi x.
    destruct phi as [phi [phi' [H1 H2]]].
    rewrite H2.