
    CoMoAlg - Group Theory: Subgroups
    Copyright (C) 2024  Max Ole Elliger

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From Coq Require Import List.
From CoMoAlg Require Export Groups.

Section subgroup.

  Context `(Group).
  Context (subgroup : carr -> Prop).

  Hypothesis op_preserve :
    forall x y,
      subgroup x ->
      subgroup y ->
      subgroup (x * y).

  Hypothesis neutr_preserve :
    subgroup neutr.

  Hypothesis inv_preserve :
    forall x,
      subgroup x ->
      subgroup (inv x).

  Instance Subgroup : Group.
    unshelve refine {|
      base_Setoid := {|
        carr := {x : carr | subgroup x};
        carreq :=
          fun xp yp =>
          let (x,hxp) := xp in
          let (y,hyp) := yp in
          x =s= y
      op :=
        fun xp yp =>
        let (x,hxp) := xp in
        let (y,hyp) := yp in
        exist _ (x * y) (op_preserve x y hxp hyp);
      neutr := exist _ neutr neutr_preserve;
      inv :=
        fun xp =>
        let (x,hxp) := xp in
        exist _ (inv x) (inv_preserve x hxp)
        intros [x H1].
        intros [] [] ?.
        symmetry; assumption.
        intros [] [] [] ? ?.
        etransitivity; eassumption.
      intros [x1 H1] [x2 H2] H3 [y1 H4] [y2 H5] H6.
      apply op_compat.
      all: assumption.
      intros [x H1] [y H2] [z H3].
      apply op_assoc.
      intros [x H1].
      apply op_neutr_l.
      intros [x H1].
      apply op_inv_l.

End subgroup.

Section easier.
  Context `(Group).

  Context (subgroup : carr -> Prop).
  Hypothesis H1 : Proper (carreq ==> iff) subgroup.

  Context (g : carr).
  Hypothesis H2 : subgroup g.

  Hypothesis H3 : forall a b, subgroup a -> subgroup b -> subgroup (a * inv b).

  Theorem neutr_preserve' :
    subgroup neutr.
    specialize H3 with (a := g) (b := g).
    rewrite op_inv_r in H3.
    apply H3.
    all: assumption.

  Theorem inv_preserve' :
    forall x,
      subgroup x ->
      subgroup (inv x).
    intros x H4.
    specialize H3 with (a := neutr) (b := x) as H5.
    rewrite op_neutr_l in H5.
    apply H5.
      apply neutr_preserve'.
      exact H4.

  Theorem op_preserve' :
    forall x y,
      subgroup x ->
      subgroup y ->
      subgroup (x * y).
    intros x y H4 H5.
    specialize H3 with (a := x) (b := inv y) as H6.
    rewrite inv_inv in H6.
    apply H6.
      exact H4.
      apply inv_preserve'.
      exact H5.

End easier.